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  • What’s new

  • Payout Services Reminder
    Always download payout statements directly from the secure portal. FCT does not attach payout statements, other documents or links within Payout Services email notifications.

  • New for our Ontario Customers
    Search Assist has moved to the commercial title insurance online ordering portal. This means you can order, track and manage due diligence searches and commercial title insurance in one place using your FCT login ID and password! If you don’t have login credentials, email commercialsolutions@fct.ca or call 1.866.804.3112 to get started.

  • Broker Channel of TD Canada Trust is on LLC
    If you're already a TD subscriber and receiving TD Canada Trust mortgage instructions on LLC, you're all set for Broker Channel as well – no action is required on your end. To get started using LLC, enrol today.

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Looking to order title insurance online? Click here